Cloning Zephyr Test Cases in JIRA – Benefits of cloning issues in JIRA

Cloning Test Cases in JIRA is very helpful for test analysts as it saves lot of time in rewriting the similar steps for closely related scenarios.

You can easily clone the existing test case and then update the test steps and details as per the new scenario.

By doing cloning you do not have to redo all the work with test case properties and steps which are common across all the test cases of that functionality.

In this video I have explained how you can clone the Zephyr test cases in JIRA.

Introduction to JQL – Advanced search in JIRA – Jira Query Language

JIRA Query Language or JQL offers a great flexibility when searching and finding issues in JIRA.

It is very powerful as compared to basic search and helps in writing complex query filters for particular project or portfolio.

Watch the video below and learn how you can use JQL to write search queries in JIRA.

JIRA Burndown Report Introduction – Burndown Chart in JIRA

JIRA Burndown report shows the remaining and completed work in Sprint.

Burndown charts are very helpful to keep track of teams work progress and predict the likelihood of work completion for the Sprint.

Watch the video below to understand Burndown report in detail. Don’t forget to Subscribe and share the video.

Searching issues in JIRA with JQL functions – JQL Function Search

JQL functions are utilised when doing advanced search in JIRA. JQL function is a word followed by parentheses, which may contain one or more explicit values.

A JQL function performs calculation on either JIRA specific data or the content in parentheses so that only true results are returned by the function.

Following video explains about JQL functions and how to use them in Advanced JIRA queries.