Business Communication Objectives, Purpose and Goals

Some of the key business communication objectives are decision-making, developing managerial skills, disclosing right message, motivating employees, teamwork and many more.

In this tutorial we will learn about some of the key business communication objectives, its purpose and goals.

Decision making

Effective communication within the organization or outside the organization is intended to implement the decision quickly.

Subordinates understand managerial choices and take steps to achieve them through conversation.

Developing managerial skills

Communication of facts, ideas, views, information, opinions, and emotions helps the learning process and development of managerial skills at a different level.

Disclosing right message

The receiver should understand message correctly and in right perspective so that he takes effective Acton.

The message sent by the sender should convey to the right person; i.e., to the person for whom it is meant.

To motivate employees

Communication among employees makes them interested in their duties and the organization as a whole.

Managers inspire workers to work hard towards the achievement of organizational objectives.

Good communication can devise employees behavior and create friendly industrial relations.

It provides information and instills pride in the job to each employee.

It also reflects management’s interest in employees.

To train and educate people

Business firms use various methods of communication so that they can educate workers and customers.

They issue orders and instruct employees so that they can perform their jobs efficiently.

Customers are provided with information about new goods and their uses.

To develop teamwork

Communication is designed to create mutual understanding and coöperation among people working or living together. It is a great binding force.


Only proper communication of policies to workers will enable their effective execution.

Improved industrial relations

Management and subordinates come closer, dispel any misunderstanding and understand well.

Business communication promotes co-operation, mutual goodwill, and better industrial relation.

To secure feedback

Feedback for any organization is critical.

Management can get valuable ideas by encouraging employees to respond.

Suggestions and complaints from workers and customers enable managers to improve work methods and procedure.

Python Variables and Data types | Built in Operators

In this tutorial we will explain about Python variables and data types – Python variable is a location in memory to store the value you assign to that variable.

Separate declaration of variable is not required, Python internally takes care of variable declaration internally.

Python Variables

A variable is a location in memory used to store some value. Unique names are given to differentiate between different memory locations. A variable name can be a combination of letters in lowercase (a to z) or uppercase (A to Z) or digits (0 to 9) or an underscore (_).

In Python, we don’t have to declare a variable separately. Simply assign a value to a name and Python will take care of it. We don’t even have to declare type of the variable. Python handles it internally according to the value assigned to it.

Note– Choose your variable names according to intended use. final_result, counter, flag_check are some examples.

Variable assignment

We use assignment operator (=) to assign values to a variable. In Python, any type of value can be assigned in to a valid variable name.

final_result = 10
academy_name = 'RCV Academy'
floating_value = 10.5

Now, if you write print command to print value of variable, it will print the value assigned to that variable.


The output of the above statement will be

RCV Academy

Python will decide the type of variable according to the value assigned to it. For example, final_result will be an integer variable as integer value is assigned to it.

Python data types

Basic data type

We will discuss Python data types in two parts. First let’s look on some basic data types.

a. Numbers

Integers, Float and complex numbers falls under the category of Python numbers.



Here, we have defined three variables and assigned different type of numbers to them. To check that python has correctly interpreted these variables we can use a built-in function called type. It will show what kind of variable it is.

Output of the above code will be

<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'complex'>

Note – Everything is an object in Python programming, data types are actually classes and variables are instance (object) of these classes. We will discuss object-oriented programming in detail later.

b. Strings

A sequence of characters is called string. We can use single quote or double quote to represent strings.

string_variable_1="I am a string"
string_variable_2='I am also a string'

Output of the above code will be:

I am a string
I am also a string

Some built-in operators for strings

There are four main methods

  1. len() – returns the length of the string.
  2. lower() – replace all capital letters to lower letters.
  3. upper() – just opposite to above.
  4. str() – The str()method turns non-strings into strings.


Output of the above code will be:

<class 'str'>

c. Bool

This is a special data type provided by python. It only supports two values “True” and “False” as input.  This is useful to set some flag condition.


Output of the above code will be


What is Software Testing? – ISTQB Foundation | Software Testing Basics

Software Testing is not a standalone activity. It is a process which consists of all testing life cycle activities like static and dynamic testing, planning, preparation and evaluation of software products to determine that the software products satisfy end-user requirements and are fit for customers use.

Testing is the necessary part of software development lifecycle as it helps in finding software issues or bugs well in advance.

Definition of Software Testing as per ISTQB

ISTQB classifies testing in two parts, “Testing as a process” and “Objectives of Testing”.

Software Testing as a process

As mentioned above testing is a not a standalone activity. It is a process which consists of both static and dynamic software testing.

It includes planning, preparation, evaluation and verifying other software products and related work product.

Let us understand all of the “Testing as a Process” activities one by one.

1. Software Testing is a process

Testing cannot happen standalone, and it is relevant only when it is part of Software Development Lifecycle(SDLC). You cannot test something which is not developed. It occurs in all phases of SDLC and is a series of activities among SDLC.

In fact, testing is a lifecycle of activities that go hand in hand with SDLC activities. It starts with static testing, planning, preparation, evaluation, reporting and closure activities.

2. Software Testing is both Static & Dynamic

Testing involves both Static and Dynamic Testing.

In initial phases of Software Development Life Cycle, testers perform Static testing which includes Technical Reviews, Walkthrough, Inspection, Static Code Analysis and when the developers start delivering working build, dynamic testing starts with the intent of validating that software meets customer requirements

3. Test Planning

Planning is the crucial activity for the success of any project.

Similarly, planning is also a paramount activity in software testing.

You need to do planning to identify what is the critical goal for testing activity and what roles and responsibilities are in the testing team.

Test planning also determines the timeframe for all the testing related activities and control actions in case the testing activity is not progressing as per plan.

Planning also identifies the key deliverables from the testing team like the final test summary reporting and scripts.

4. Test Preparation

Next activity in testing is preparation. After the planning finalizes, test preparation activities start which consists of, but not limited to preparing the test cases, preparing the test environment and also preparing the test data.

5. Evaluation

Evaluation is another activity of the testing process wherein you need to evaluate the software during test execution to ensure that it is meeting the defined exit criteria, user-friendly and meets the end user/business requirements.

6. Software products and related work products

Software testing is not about just testing a piece of code or an executable file. It is testing the whole package which consists of many other related utilities and documentation like Software requirements documents(SRS), Design documents, Quick reference guide, Training Materials, User Guides, Installation guide and any other related products or documents.

Objectives of Software Testing

When we are performing software testing, there are some objectives that we want to achieve before we say that testing has been a successful activity. We say that software testing has been a successful activity only when the defined objectives fulfill.

The second classification of software testing as per ISTQB is “Objectives of testing.” Let us understand few objectives of software testing one by one.

1. Determine that software meets end-user requirements

Testing adds value to end-user or client only when it fulfills the business requirements of end users who are using that software. Software Testing verifies products against requirements.

The design document is being reviewed to ensure that it meets the requirements and during execution phase testers ensure that software meets the design and requirements.

Testing also helps in making release decisions by making sure that delivered product is meeting the business specification.

2. Confirm that Software is fit for use

Another objective of software testing is to prove that the software is fit for use.

Testing is done to ensure that software is doing what an end user is expecting it to do and it is appropriate to end users expectation.

3. Discovering Defects/Bugs in software

Finding defects/bugs is another objective of software testing. When defects are found and fixed during test execution, it improves software quality.

After doing root-cause analysis on the discovered defects, it helps to identify the cause of that defect which eventually benefits in improving the development process.