Robot Framework Tutorial #21 – Refactor Selenium Webelement Locators

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to refactor selenium webelement locators and organise your robot framework project so that it is more maintainable and manageable.

Watch the full robot framework tutorial series to master robot framework automation.

Robot Framework Tutorial #22 – How to Find Webelement by ID or Name

In this Robot framework tutorial we will learn how to find selenium webelement by its ID or Name and use it to perform actions using Robot framework automation.

Robot Framework Tutorial #23 – How to Install Eskry and Chropath

In this Robot framework tutorial we will learn how to install Eskry and Chropath add-on in Chrome browser.

We will also briefly understand how to find Webelement locators using Eskry and Chropath.

Robot Framework Tutorial #24 – Click Web Element by Link Text or Partial Link Text

In this Robot framework tutorial we will learn how to find selenium WebElement by its LinkText or PartialLinkText and use it to perform actions using Robot framework automation.

Robot Framework Tutorial #25 – How to Handle Browser Windows

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to handle browser windows and the keywords available in Robot Selenium library to interact and work with browsers.

Some of the keywords that I will explain in this tutorial are:

1. Open Browser

2. Close browser

3. Close All Browsers

4. Get Browser Ids

5. Maximise Browser Window

6. Get Browser Alias

7. Switch Browser.

Watch the full robot framework tutorial series to master robot framework automation.