Video Streaming Introduction – What is Live Streaming

Introduction to video streaming

Video/Media which is continuously received and being played back by a multimedia player is called video streaming.

Live streaming is the process of broadcasting real-time video to the people who are accessing the video over the internet.

You can find so many examples in the real world of media streaming like Youtube, Livestream, Vimeo, Hulu, Ustream, Netflix and many more.

How does Live Streaming fit in IT?

We all love to watch Live events especially the Sports and Concerts by our celebrity entertainers. However, when it is not possible to attend a live event, we watch these programs in real time on our TV or over the Internet through Live streaming Apps that are available on different platforms like Android, iOS, Desktop, etc.

Who uses Video Streaming?

Broadcasting companies who want their content to be delivered everywhere use the streaming concepts and deliver the video over the internet to its concepts.