Human Resource Management

In this tutorial, we will learn about human resource management is the part of the control that is concerned with the people at work and their relationship with an enterprise.

It is a process of management that is directly concerned with the organization’s human resources. The term human resource can be defined as the skills knowledge training and experience that a manager should have to manage any organization.

If a strategic approach to the effective management of people in a company or organization, they help their business gain a competitive advantage. May be designed to maximize employee performance in the service of an employer’s strategic objectives. Human resource management is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and systems.

HR departments are responsible for overseeing employee-benefits design, employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and reward management, such as managing pay and benefit systems. HR also concerns itself with organizational change and industrial relations, or the balancing of corporate practices with requirements arising from collective bargaining and governmental laws.

HR professionals manage the human capital of an organization and focus on implementing policies and processes. They can specialize in finding, recruiting, training, and developing employees while maintaining employee relations or benefits.

Training and development professionals ensure that employees are trained and have continuous development. May has done through training programs, performance evaluations, and reward programs.

Features Of Human Resource Development:

  • It is an inherent part of management.
  • Pervasive function
  • Scope of HRD.
  • It is concerned with all categories of personnel from top to bottom.

Importance\Objectives Of Human Resource Management:

  • To ensure optimum utilization of resources.
  • To ensure maximum development of human resources through welfare opportunities and salary hikes.
  • Identify and satisfy individuals by offering various monetary and non-monetary rewards.
  • Ensure respect for human beings by providing services and welfare activities to personnel.

Steps involved in HRM:

  •  Human resource or workforce planning.
  • Recruitment, selection, and placement of personnel.
  • Training and development of employees.
  • Appraisal of performance of employees.
  • The motivation of the workforce
  • Remuneration to employees.
  • The social security and welfare of societies.


Essential Qualities of an HR Manager:

  1. In physical health, vigor, and address.
  2. Judgmental, mental strength, and adaptability.
  3. Educational general acquaintance.
  4. Technical peculiar to the function.

Significant Qualities of an HR Manager:

  1. He should be mentally alert.
  2. He should have a personal approach to human problems.
  3. He should be competent to make decisions.
  4. He should be patient in listening to the issues of the employee.


Managerial Functions


It requires that managers be aware of environmental conditions facing their organization, forecast future requirements, and decide to advance the policies that will drive the employees towards the achievement of organizational goals.


It is a grouping of personnel activity into functions according to the delegation of authority.


HR must have the ability to identify the need for employees and the means and methods to satisfy those needs.

Controlling involves performance appraisal of employees, critical examination of employee records, and suggesting ways to improve employee performance.



It includes assessing the human resources requirement into an organization and then selecting the right kind of employee fit for that position.


The employees must give a fair amount of salary, which is consistent with the amount of their work done.

Industrial Relations:

The HR manager has full information relating to personnel and working knowledge of various labor enactments; he helps in collective bargaining, joint consultation, and settlements of disputes.

Advisory Functions

Top Management: 

He may advise on achieving and maintaining good human relations and high employee morale.

Departmental Heads: 

He offers advice on recruitment and selection, placement, training, etc.

Entrepreneur Personal Attributes – Why be an Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a very famous word amongst the business community life. But, many people still cannot get the definition and meaning of who is an entrepreneur.

In this post we will discuss Entrepreneur personal attributes and why to be an entrepreneur?

Who is an Entrepreneur? Entrepreneur Personal Attributes

French word entrepreneur means “One who undertakes an endeavor.” Entrepreneurs differ in education and experiences. But the research indicated that the most successful entrepreneurs share specific personal attributes, including creativity, dedication, determination, flexibility, leadership, passion, self-confidence and ‘smarts.’

Let us discuss the personal attributes one by one.


Creativity is the spark that drives the development of new products or services or ways to do business.


Dedication is what motivates entrepreneur to work hard, 12 hours a day, or even seven days of a week, especially in the beginning to get the endeavor off the ground.


A determination is an extreme desire to achieve success; it includes persistence and the ability to bounce back after rough times.


Changing markets require the ability to change quickly, and flexibility is the attribute which is key to entrepreneurship.


Ability to create rules and set goals.


Entrepreneurs start a business and keep doing it due to passion. It gives them the ability to convince others to believe in their vision.


Smarts consist of common sense joined with knowledge or experience in a related business. The former gives a person a right instinct and the latter expertise.

Why be an Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship has a lot to do with business, however, it is a way of thinking about things that everyone can do. Seeing individuals as empowered as agents of change and then thinking about what we can do differently.

Regarding choosing a carrier a person or an individual has in general three choices in his hands to proceed; to work for others, be self-employed in a profession or be an entrepreneur.

As compared to all, the last one has got an edge as compared to other two, because it’s not merely giving employment to one but providing job opportunities to others also.

Doing what you love

It is natural to feel fearful of failing. But to start with one’s own business is like leaving the comfort zone and entering the twilight zone.

It is an activity where it should be ensured to strike a balance between the business what you love to do and which is profitable as well. ‘Choose a job that you like, and you never have to work a day in your life.’

Independence and freedom

Entrepreneurship allows undertaking the activities of one’s choice and comfort which offers independence and freedom in return.

Recognition and self-fulfillment

Entrepreneurship provides the ability to be involved in the total operation of the business from the concept of design and creation.

It offers excitement compared to being regular employees. Adventure-hunters love being entrepreneurs as they are exposed to too much risk.

Income Potential

Entrepreneurship offers a higher possibility of achieving significant financial rewards than working under someone else.

Of course, substantial financial rewards happen if your efforts are well planned, efficient and well focused.