Git Tutorial #11 – How to Resolve Merge Conflicts in Git

In this Git and GitHub Tutorial, we will learn about how to Resolve Merge Conflicts in Git. Merge conflicts can occur in software development or test automation code due to many reasons, resolving merge conflicts in Git is important so you can push code to repository without issues.


Git Tutorial #9 – Importance of Git Branching | Git Branches Tutorial

In this Git and GitHub Tutorial, we will learn about the importance of Git Branching. Git branches are the important way to manage conflicts in software development and do software releases with ease. This Git branches tutorial video is an introduction to explain why branching is important in test automation or software development.

Git Tutorial #7 – How to Clone Github Repository | Git Clone Tutorial

In this Git and GitHub Tutorial, we will learn how to clone GitHub Repository. Git Clone is used make a clone or copy of existing repository into a new directory or folder. The original repository can be a local repository or a remote GitHub repository. The git clone command copies an existing Git repository.

In this Git Clone tutorial, we will learn the complete process to clone the GitHub repository to local machine.

Git Tutorial #6 – How to Push Code to GitHub – Part 2

In this Git and GitHub Tutorial, we will learn how to push code to GitHub. This is part 2 of 2 part video in which we will learn how to check in code to GitHub from local Git repository.

Git Tutorial #5 – How to Push Code to GitHub – Part 1

In this Git and GitHub Tutorial, we will learn how to push code to GitHub. This is part 1 of 2 part video in which we will learn how to check in code to GitHub from local Git repository.