In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand How to do Data Driven Testing using Excel File using Data Driver library of Robot Framework.
Tag: robot framework pycharm
Robot Framework Tutorial #41 – How to do Data Driven Testing using CSV File
In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand How to do Data Driven Testing using CSV File.
You can have your data externally stored in CSV file and read it using DataDriver package.
Robot Framework Tutorial #40 – How to do Data Driven Testing
In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand How to do Data Driven Testing using Test Template which is built in feature in Robot framework.
Data-driven testing means running automated tests with different input data.
* Data-driven testing helps to achieve better test coverage.
* Data-driven tests will read data from data storage’s (Built-in, external files, Database).
* Data-driven test approach provides better code maintainability.
* You can use data-driven test approach to prepare test data.
Robot Framework Tutorial #39 – How to use FOR Loop in Robot Framework
In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to use FOR Loop in robot framework.
Few key points to remember about FOR loop are:
* Loops allow us to iterate over a sequence
* You can use Loops to – Loop through a list of elements, Repeat a single keyword several times, Loop through range of numbers (1-10)
* Loops in Robot Framework begin with “FOR”
* Example:
FOR ${var} IN @{list}
Keyword ${var}
Robot Framework Tutorial #38 – How to use IF ELSE in Robot Framework
In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to use if else in robot framework.
* If/Else – Conditional statement which runs a different set of statements depending on whether an expression is true or false
* Robot Framework has builtin library for this functionality
* You can also use multiple “ELSE IF” clause
* It can also have “ELSE” clause
* Format for IF/ELSE is as follows:
Run Keyword If ${condition} == “Some Data” Keyword1
… ELSE IF ${condition} == “Some Other Data” Keyword2
… ELSE Keyword3