Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #28 – How to Handle Resize Widget in Selenium

In this selenium webdriver tutorial we will learn how to handle resize widget in Selenium WebDriver. Handling jQuery resizable webelements in Selenium is possible by Actions class and we will learn step by step how to handle these webelements.

Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #27 – How to Perform Drag and Drop in Selenium

In this Selenium Webdriver Tutorial we will learn how to perform Drag and Drop in Selenium WebDriver. Selenium WebDriver API provides “Actions” class for handling drag and drop functionality on any webpage. We will learn how to use methods in Actions class to perform drag and drop operation.

Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #26-How to Perform Mouse Hover in Selenium

In this Selenium Webdriver Tutorial we will learn how to Perform Mouse Hover in Selenium WebDriver. Selenium WebDriver API provides “Actions” class for handling mouse and keyboard events. These events include operations like drag and drop, clicking on elements, keyboard actions and more.

Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #24 -How to Handle Alert Popup in Selenium

In this Selenium WebDriver Tutorial we will learn How to Handle Alert Popup in Selenium WebDriver. JavaScript alerts, prompts and confirmations are native popup messages offered by JavaScript and can be handled by API provided by Selenium WebDriver. Handling JavaScript alerts is important when you are doing automation as these alerts cannot be handled with normal webelement identification techniques in Selenium.

Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #23 – How to Handle Frames in Selenium

In this Selenium Webdriver Tutorial we will learn How to Handle Frames in Selenium WebDriver. We will learn with real examples to handle multiple frames/iframes on any webpage. Selenium provides the method “SwitchTo()” in order to switch among different frames on page.

You can switch focus to frames within any webpage using 3 ways.

✅ By Index

✅ By Name or Id

✅ By Web Element