Software Testing Tutorial #32 – How to Write Test Cases

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn how to write test cases in manual testing of any software testing project. We will learn about test case template and what are key fields in software test case template which are must when writing a test case.

Once you understand the test case template in excel then you can write any test case within your project using this template. We will understand this template by writing it in the excel sheet and then understand how to write test case in excel sheet.

Software Testing Tutorial #29 – What is Exploratory Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn what is exploratory testing. Exploratory testing can be understood as exploring the application, investigating and learning the software as you test the software. There is very little or no documentation available to tester for exploratory testing and when tester starts testing they keep documenting the scenarios and results as they proceed with exploratory testing.

Software Testing Tutorial #27 – Verification Vs Validation in Software Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about the differences between verification vs validation in software testing. Verification versus validation is similar to static testing and dynamic testing. Verification is static testing and validation is dynamic testing in software testing.

Static testing or verification is testing of software documents like requirements, software code, design documents, plans etc. without executing the code, however, validation is to test the software after executing the application.

Software Testing Tutorial #26 – Smoke Testing Vs Sanity Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about the difference between smoke testing vs sanity testing. Both smoke testing and sanity testing are related to the software builds. Whenever the new build is available for testing team then you perform smoke testing or sanity testing based on the maturity of builds before going for detailed testing of that build.

Software Testing Tutorial #24 -Regression Testing in Agile Development

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about regression testing in the agile development approach. When your are following agile development approach then you need to ensure the proper strategy to handle regression efforts as the regression backlog will keep growing with every new Sprint in Scrum.