TestLink Tutorial #5 – Linking TestCases To TestLink Requirements

In this TestLink tutorial we will learn how to link the test cases to TestLink requirements. Linking testcases provides traceability and helps to understand the coverage of testing for the particular requirement.

TestLink Tutorial #4 – Creating TestSuite and TestCase in TestLink

Learn how to create TestSuite and Test Cases in TestLink. TestLink TestSuite module provides the functionality to create test suites according to the project requirements and then you can create TestCases within those test suites.

TestLink Tutorial #5 – Linking TestCases To TestLink Requirements

In this TestLink tutorial we will learn how to link the test cases to TestLink requirements. Linking testcases provides traceability and helps to understand the coverage of testing for the particular requirement.

TestLink Tutorial #4 – Creating TestSuite and TestCase in TestLink

Learn how to create TestSuite and Test Cases in TestLink. TestLink TestSuite module provides the functionality to create test suites according to the project requirements and then you can create TestCases within those test suites.