Selenium XPath Tutorial #10 – XPath Axes following, following-sibling

In this Selenium Xpath tutorial we will learn about Xpath axes method “following” and “following-sibling” with examples.

XPath axes “following” method help in selecting all the nodes that appear after the context (Current) node.

XPath axes “following-sibling” method helps in selecting all the nodes that have the same parent as the context (Current) node and appear after the context (Current) node.

Selenium XPath Tutorial #9 – Axes Methods | ancestor, ancestor-or-self

In this Selenium XPath tutorial we will learn about XPath axes method ancestor and ancestor-or-self with examples.

XPath axes ancestor method helps in selecting all the ancestor nodes of the current node.

XPath axes ancestor-or-self method helps in selecting current node as well as all the ancestor nodes of current node. Watch the full tutorial to understand XPath axes ancestor methods with examples.